Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sea Monsters (Nat Geo)

Sea Monsters (Nat Geo)

This amazing adaptation of the upcoming National Geograophic film puts you in the role of a giant prehistoric sea creature facing their daily battle to survive. Both fun and educational this is a must have for everyone who loves dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. The objective of the game is to collect fossil pieces which are hidden throughout the interactive game world. There are 60 pieces in total 48 creature parts which, when you complete a whole skeleton will unlock a new monster, a

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nintendo bezig met nieuwe console

Nintendo bezig met nieuwe console

Nintendo bezig met nieuwe console In een artikel uit de Forbes is gebleken dat Nintendo al bezig is met de ontwikkeling van hun nieuwe next-gen console. Nintendo's Shigeru Iwata verklaarde in dit artikel dat hoewel ze bezig zijn met de opvolger van de Wii, ze nog niets konden zeggen over de richting die de nieuwe console in zal gaan.

Samurai Shodown II komt op Virtual Console uit

De Virtual Console van de Wii is een plek waar nostalgie herleeft. Publishers kunnen via dit systeem hun oude games opnieuw uitbrengen, zo ook SNK die n van hun beste fightgames naar de VC brengt; Samurai Showdown II.

Open Season

Team up with a cast of crazy critters, unleashing your animal instincts in Open Season, the game a riotous romp in the great outdoors in which a rowdy brood of forest animals turns the tables on a bunch of unsuspecting hunters. click here to learn more ShareThis Related posts No related posts.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OpenTyrianWii: Tyrian Wiibrew port (

OpenTyrianWii: Tyrian Wiibrew port (

OpenTyrianWii: Tyrian Wiibrew port Tyrian, a classic and well loved shooter game that has already been ported to a number of other platforms, has now been introduced to the Wii thanks to the efforts of Wiibrew developer nuvalo. OpenTyrianWii is still in its test version, so there is no support for the nunchuk or classic controller as of yet, but the dev said support will be added in future versions. The game does, however,support the GameCube controller, USB mice and keyboards, and of cour

Games: Lanamentos da Semana (03 a 09 de Agosto)

Mais uma semana e mais games no mercado. Mas por enquanto nada dos grandes lanamentos do semestre. Temos Braid para a live arcade que aparenta ser extremamente promissor, com grficos inovadores e criativos, um sistema de manipulao de tempo, o que sempre instigante e alguns elementos plataforma e old-school 2D que chama a ateno. Em outro ponto, curioso ver como quase toda a semana sa um ou mais games de esporte para Wii, apelando a sua jogabilidade causal. Beijing 2008 - The Offic